Refimet | Sustainability
Refimet was born with the aim of doing business based on the concept of circular economy, in order to reduce the environmental impact as much as possible and transform waste into pure metals, giving them new life. In doing this, the traceability of raw materials and responsible sourcing are the fundamental principles at the root of our business.
In fact, we observe all the main international regulations on compliance, adhering to the responsible procurement practices indicated by the OECD and the Dodd-Frank Act. Through our compliance office, we verify that all our suppliers comply with international directives and our certifications, tracing every movement of metal in order to guarantee our customers the responsible origin of the metals. Refimet observes all the Bank of Italy regulations on anti-money laundering to continue to operate in a safe, efficient and transparent way.

Creating safe workplaces for all employees is our top priority. We work with preventative measures to minimize risks and have a strong and integrated safety culture at all levels. We try to create clarity and provide consistent information to promote safe thinking among all of our employees.
Refimet’s environmental management is based on our values and our vision of zero environmental accidents. To achieve this, we invest considerable resources in efficient systems, advanced technology and stable processes throughout our business. We work proactively with meticulous risk assessments and clear action plans.
“The due diligence process with its business partners to verify any deviations from the OECD guidelines did not reveal any human rights risks in 2023. The transactions considered are low risk and the checks carried out comply with the RJC principles. “

In 2019 we obtained the RJC (Responsible Jewelery Council) certification. This is a voluntary certification for RJC members and gives our customers and suppliers the assurance they need about how precious metals are purchased, tracked and processed through the supply chain. Provides a guarantee of the integrity of our products and materials. In addition, the gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium and silver we deal with is 100% RJC compliant. With the further guarantee that all these metals are also 100% recycled.
The Ethical Code of Conduct of Refimet identifies guiding principles and basic guidelines of conduct that all collaborators, internal and external, and generally all people with whom Refimet comes into business contact, shall observe and promote within their respective competences.
For the purposes of RJC certification system application, Reifmet and its branches adopt policies and management systems that ensure compliance with the principles outlined in this document.
The principles on which Refimet is based are the same expressed by the UN in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the 10 principles of the Global Compact.
Therefore, as members of Responsible Jewellery Council, Refimet confirms its willingness to pursue the economic, social and environmental benefits arising from the business, substantially contributing to Sustainable Development.
To all to whom this Code applies is required the conduct of its business with the utmost diligence, honesty, cooperation, fairness, honesty, integrity and professional rigor, in compliance with laws, procedures and company regulations and in compliance with the following principles:
- We are committed to conduct our businesses through high ethical standards, and to ensure integrity, transparency and conformance with Applicable Law.
- We will not engage in bribery and/or corruption.
- We will not tolerate money laundering and/or financing of terrorism.
- We will fully and accurately disclose material characteristics of Refimet products.
- We will take reasonable measures to ensure the physical integrity and security of product shipments.
- We will respect commercial confidentiality and protection of sensitive data.
- We believe in and will respect the fundamental human rights and the dignity of the individual, according to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- We will not tolerate the use of labour of people under 18 years old.
- We will not use any forced, bonded, indentured or prison labour, nor restrict the freedom of movement of associates.
- We are committed to high standards of Health and Safety in our operations.
- We will not prevent workers from associating freely. Where laws prohibit these freedoms, we will support parallel means of dialogue.
- We will not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, marital status, physical appearance, age, or any other applicable prohibited basis in the workplace, such that all individuals who are “Fit for Work” are granted equal opportunities and are not discriminated against on the basis of factors unrelated to their ability to perform their job.
- We will not use corporal punishment under any circumstances and will prohibit the use of degrading treatment, harassment, abuse, coercion or intimidation in any form.
- We will adhere to working hours and remuneration legislation, or, where no such legal requirements have been established by law, the prevailing industry standards.
- We will support the development of communities where we operate, contributing to their social and economic welfare.
- 10.We will recognise and respect the rights of indigenous people and the value of their traditional, cultural and social heritage.
- We will conduct our business in an environmentally responsible manner.
- We will manage our environmental footprint by eliminating or minimizing negative environmental impacts.
- We will ensure the efficiency of our business operations by managing our use of resources and energy.
- We will adopt practices to enhance Biodiversity and reduce negative impacts on Biodiversity.
- We will comply with Applicable Laws and publicly state our commitment to the RJC Code of Practices.
- We will assess all kind of business risks in order to protect all the people who work in and with the company and / or have business dealings with it, adapting our systems and processes in order to ensure the achievement of the ethical, social, environmental principles and human rights.
- While respecting all protection provided by law or collective agreements in force and subject to the obligations of the law, the Supervisory Board is authorized to receive requests for clarification, complaints, news or existing or potential violations of this Code of Ethics.
Download Ethical Code Refimet